Wednesday 13 January 2016

52 WOGC- Why Start This Challenge? WEEK 1

Okay, so half of you are probably thinking 'What the hell does WOGC' mean? I actually didn't even find out for myself until last week. It stands for 'Weeks Of Gratitude Challenge'. Some of you are probably now thinking 'Okay.. so what's all this about then?' Well.. in short terms, it's a weekly blogging challenge, whereby you write posts on things you are grateful for. There is a guideline that you can find online to give you a specific subject area to write about every week- some of them sound interesting, some of them don't. So I will come up with something new to replace the ones I'm not so keen on. 

Why am I doing this challenge? 

 Firstly, I am doing this challenge because one of the main problems I come across when writing for my blog, is that I struggle with ideas for content. I think that many bloggers struggle with this and I think that this challenge is the perfect way for me to upload regularly and not use brain block as an excuse!

 Secondly, I love to keep a positive mind. I'm the sort of person that appreciates the small things in life and I love to surround myself with people that do the same. I think this challenge is a wonderful idea because each week you are being told to think of things that you are grateful for. These are probably the same things that make it easier to wake up in the mornings and just make life in general that bit easier.

 I think far too many people go through life being unnecessarily happy because they don't have everything they want in life and they focus on what they don't have. There is ALWAYS going to be something that you don't have, no matter how hard you work or how much money you have. Reminding yourself of what you DO have and being able to really appreciate all the good things in your life really does make a positive impact on your mind set and you'll find that you're so much happier. 

I encourage every one of you to start this challenge! You could even write it down for private use only if you feel that it's too personal. I hope you enjoy reading my upcoming gratitude posts!

Until next time,

Jade x

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