Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Lotions and Potions- What I've Been Loving

Hey guys, so today I'm going to be talking about my skincare-and-things-associated favourites. You will have to forgive me tremendously for the shocking quality of my pictures (I have an Iphone 4s and the camera is shite) but hope you'll enjoy this post none the less..


So a couple of Christmas' ago, I got this star shaped marzipan soap from my family. I didn't realise how that one soap would change my life.. it smells AMAZING. Basically, if you like the smell of marzipan, just bloody get the soap. However, *downer alert* they only sell this around christmas. Chin up- only another 11 months to wait :)

Mask of Magnaminty

I have been using this face mask for years and I love it. I usually buy it when I'm feeling a bit low in life or my skins going through a particularly rough patch. I don't like to use this all the time because I feel like my skin appreciates it more when I have breaks from time to time. I use this every 3 or 4 days. It smells of mint icecream, its soo nice to put on your face once it's been in the fridge and my face feels fresh af after I've used it.

Mandara Spa Bath and Shower Cream

My mum bought me this about a year ago for Christmas and I was like 'oh cool, nice. shower gel.' Then I used it and I was like DAMN THIS SMELLS GOOD. It is genuinely one of my favourite shower gels ever and mum bought me another this christmas so I was a very happy bunny. If you can't see from the picture, it's Coconut and Yoghurt scented but it also has this spicy, exotic twist to it- it's  a m a z i n g.

French Connection Hand Lotion

My dad and his girlfriend bought this for me. I loved the packaging when I first laid eyes but then I opened it and it smells beautiful. I'm not very good at describing scents so I looked it up- it reads 'Floral and woody with hints of vanilla and oriental spices' the only way I can really describe it is ZOMGGG

Nip + Fab Berry Lip Butter

I got this in a set of three (others were Rose and Mint). I'm not a massive user of lipbalms because I don't like the greasy feel on my lips but mine have been extremely dry this winter so I've been applying this on my way to work. It's tinted with a beautiful rich purple that's subtle on the lips. I've really been liking this! Oh- and it smells amazing.

Again, very sorry for the poor quality pictures. This is what I've been loving/ using recently!

Lots of love,
Jade x

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