Sunday, 10 January 2016

Hair Transformation- One Of The Best Things I've Done?


Hello my wonderful readers (I'm in a good mood today, can you tell?) 

SO, I'm not going to babble too much about myself but I wanted to do a little chatty post about me getting my hair cut to my shoulders, why I did it and how I feel about it. I know there are a lot of other gals out there (or even guys) that want to make a dramatic change but are too scared- just like I was. I'm writing this to inspire the others afraid to take the leap (bit exaggerative) and those who are just a bit nosey/ interested in my life! After all, that's really what blogging is all about.

From looking at my old pictures, you'll be able to see that I've had long hair down to my bottom rib for over 5 years. In year 8 I got a bob and it was the WORST decision of my life. I got the piss taken out of me and I cried whenever I looked in the mirror- it's pretty funny looking back at it now. But basically, it scared me off ever getting my hair cut short again until now of course.

My thought process was pretty much along the lines of 'It's a new year, I need change in my life. I've wanted something different for a while so I'm just going to grow some balls. Plus, my ex told me to never get my hair cut short so fuck it and fuck him' 

I got my hair cut at Toni and Guy which is actually the first time I've ever been to a hairdresser and I'm not going to lie, it was a wonderful first experience. The head massage, the smell of the shampoo, the complimentary coffee- I felt like a princess for a day. 

It was definitely a shock when I looked in the mirror but I was 90% sure that I liked it. Then all my friends were so nice with the compliments and reactions they gave me- it definitely gave me a confidence boost which if you knew me, you'd know is exactly what I needed.

The BEST thing that happened after getting my hair cut was getting a message from a designer that lives in Cornwall called Alice Vandy. (Her designs have been worn by Jessie J, Rita Ora and members of Little Mix!!) She asked me if I was able to do a test shoot within the next month. I genuinely couldn't believe it- I was massively flattered. 

It's been less than a week since I got my hair cut and I've had the above happen, I received a 2:1 in the first unit that counts towards my final degree grade, I got informed of a pay rise and I got closure with an ex. This hair cut can definitely stay for good!!

Anyway, that's enough from me. I hope you enjoyed reading this little chit-chat and you can expect to hear from me next week.

Jade x

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