Saturday, 28 February 2015

Things I've been loving- Beauty/ Food/ Music/ TV

'Don't talk about the things you hate- that's boring. Talk about the things you love.' So basically, I thought it would be kinda cool to talk about the things that I've been enjoying recently. 

I'm going to start with the more beauty related things as fashion and beauty is what my blog is based around. Yes- I know caramel waffles don't count as a beauty related item but just look at them.


So, I joined the gym around November last year and admittedly, I didn't go much before Christmas but me and my flatmate decided that for our New Years resolution (we lack originality), we'd stick to going at least twice a week and allowing once a week when uni work was getting on top of us. And so far I've actually done pretty well! I think maybe there's been two separate weeks where I haven't gone at all and a couple where I've only gone once but other than that I'm proud and a little bit surprised that I've stuck to it. The whole dieting side of things is a lot more difficult for me to grasp, but lets not go into that..

Anyway, I just knew, deep down in my heart, that some expensive and totally unnecessary gym gear would help motivate me to actually get up and go so I took a visit to Sports Direct (where else?) and picked up a pair of Adidas leggings and an irreversible sports bra. I also got some plain black Nike running shoes but they're not much to look at, so I haven't uploaded a photo. I do feel a lot better walking around the gym in my new sports wear so I feel that that justifies my purchase.


I used to use Lush Tea Tree water as part of my beauty regime but I just never got round to purchasing another, probably because I felt that I could live without it. Around deadlines after christmas, my skin started to show signs of stress and I felt like I deserved a bit of a treat so I repurchased and vowed to only use it at night so that my skin would really appreciate it. (I kinda overdid it previously) I do really love it, it just makes my skin feel fresh and clean. 

Then for my birthday in Feb, my sister bought me another Tea Tree Water, along with Mask of Magnaminty, which I also used to treat myself to, a long time ago. It's a face mask that hardens on your face, helps clear up problematic skin and smells of mint choc icecream mmm. I only use this once a week as I feel it makes a better impact on my skin when used less frequently.


OMGGGGGG is literally the first thing that came to mind when I first tried these at Starbucks. I hadn't had them in ages when I came across them in M&S. They were £2 for ten (I think) which I didn't think was bad. They're designed to be big enough to pop on top of your mug of coffee so that the heat rises and melts the caramel inside (how cool is that!?) But I prefer iced coffee and they taste just as good. The only downside is that they are super calorific- boohoo. 


This stuff was on offer at ASDA for about £8 so I grabbed it one day after careful consideration. I have to say that I have noticed a difference in my skin. I have a lot of acne scarring and they are slowly fading with time but I think this moisturiser has helped speed the process up, which for me, is sooo great because I'm so sick of this long-winded skin cell replacement thing. *Looks up at sky, imagining a God* Please, don't you think I've suffered enough? The glass pot is also super pretty with an ombre effect and it smells amazing. Basically- this is my dream cream.

Now, onto TV/ Music related stuff.. I wont babble on too much as this blog post is already long enough.


I was watching Burlesque, when Animal by Neon Trees came on and I paused the film so that I could listen to it on Spotify. Spotify suggested that I listened to Two Door Cinema Club- I'd heard of them but didn't know what they sung. I took a little listen and instantly, I was hooked. I recognised a few songs but even the ones I'd never heard of, took to me immediately. I've now had them on repeat for a week straight.


I had only just subscribed to Netflix after the New Year and again, I am way behind on the times. I don't even know how I've lasted this long without it. The films, admittedly, are a bit crappy- there's very few decent ones, but the TV program section is really fab. Which leads me on to my next two subjects..


Okay, so this was one of the first programs that I decided to watch after joining Netflix and I guess I was expecting to like it but a couple episodes in, and I am INFACTUATED. Every episode was packed with drama, not like other programs where theres an episode here and there and you're like 'what was the point in that episode? Like seriously'. I was either laughing and/or almost crying all the time and the best bit? There are 6 series.. and aprox 25 episodes in each, apart from the last where there's only 10. I almost jumped up and did a dance when I realised how many episodes there were to watch. Right at the end, there's even a section just before the last 30mins of the last ever Gossip Girl episode, where they interview all the cast and flash back on previous episodes and I just l-o-v-e that sort of thing because I like to get super involved and a little bit obsessed. 

So yeah, in a couple of words- just bloody watch it.


Luther is my second favourite series that I've watched on Netflix. It's completely different to Gossip Girl, It's about a cop who is pretty bad ass and likes to do things his own way. The story lines are very dark and disturbing at times but the rest of it is just really gripping. Unfortunately, there aren't anywhere near as many episodes -cries into pillow- and I pretty much watched them all in about 2 weeks.. The good news is that there's another series being made as I write! Oh, and the whole series is made x10 more amazing because Idris Elba stars as the lead role and he just so cool and I love him.

And that just about rounds up my post. 'Til next time :)

Jade x


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